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Transportation Systems 

Management & Operation

A Brief Intro to TSm&O

Transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) refers to multimodal transportation strategies and technologies intended to maximize the efficiency, safety, and utility of the existing transportation network. Strategies including but not limited to:

  • Traffic incident management.

  • Traffic signal coordination

  • Freeway management

  • Transit signal priority (TSP)
    and bus rapid transit (BRT).

  • Freight management.

  • Work zone management.

  • Special event management.

  • Road weather management.


Here is an Introductory Video of TSM&O by IOWA DOT

TSM&O should be considered at any location that experiences either recurring or non-recurring congestion or both. TSM&O should be considered as early as possible, in both the project planning process and the agency's overall strategic planning. TSM&O should also be considered at every stage, such as planning, project development, construction, and maintenance. Even in situations where adding capacity is the best alternative, the TSM&O discussion should not end there. There may be opportunities to include TSM&O solutions in the capital project that extend the performance life.

TSM&O Seminars Organised and Attended

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Traffic Safety is an essential cornerstone of TSM&O strategic plan. In 2017, more than 40,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes; the three most significant causes of fatalities on the road are alcohol, speeding, and distracted driving. Moreover, these crashes affect traffic operations and hence impose social and personal costs on road users. 

Drivers who get on the highway can go the wrong way and potentially cause wrong-way accidents and fatalities. Wrong-way accidents have a higher chance of causing fatalities than non-wrong-way accidents. Any methods to lower the rate of wrong-way crashes will improve the safety of the highway systems. My doctoral research is focused on analyzing what factors contribute to these Wrong Way Driving (WWD) crashes. The findings will be helpful to the authorities to implement appropriate countermeasures.

TSM&O and Wrong-way Driving
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The umbrella of TSMO strategies encompasses a wide range of possibilities. TSM&O took many measures, like wrong way driver notifications, to counter these deadly type of crashes. The prevention techniques can be roughly categorized as follows: 

Warning signage – Better warning signs, such as red reflective tape/background, and LED lights. 

Interchange design – Full Cloverleaf design has less WWD than Full Diamond or Half Cloverleaf interchange designs. 

Detection system – If all other methods fail, then a good way to prevent fatalities is to remove the wrong-way driver from the road. A detection system would help warn others and notify law enforcement personnel of an early instance of wrong-way driving, giving them a quicker response time. 

Law Enforcement – Set up checkpoints at problem areas. 

Since WWD crashes are usually head-on, they are generally severe, often resulting in deaths and injuries. WWD countermeasures include detection of WWD entries onto freeways an expressways, active warnings to the WWD driver, warnings to approaching motorists, and real-time notification to law enforcement. WWD detection systems also provide alerts to the RTMC to allow activation of DMS and verification of the WWD location and direction of travel utilizing CCTV. Verification provides law enforcement with best available information for contacting the wrong way driver in time to prevent a crash and to provide aid when one occurs.

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